Petrobras elects new board members

Posted on 2024.06.28

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The Petrobras Board of Directors elected the following members to the company's executive board in a meeting held this Friday (06/28): Renata Baruzzi (Executive Director of Engineering, Technology, and Innovation), Sylvia Anjos (Executive Director of Exploration and Production), and Fernando Melgarejo (Executive Director of Finance and Investor Relations). With the names approved this Friday, the executive board now has four women, a record in Petrobras' history.

In addition to the mentioned directors, Magda Chambriard (President of Petrobras) and Clarice Coppetti (Executive Director of Corporate Affairs) are the other women who make up the company's executive board. The previous record was two women serving simultaneously on the company's board.

Renata Baruzzi and Sylvia Anjos took office this Friday (06/28), and Fernando Melgarejo was elected with effect from 07/15/2024, the date on which his retirement process will be completed after a 37-year career at Banco do Brasil. The nominations were submitted to the internal corporate governance procedures, including the necessary compliance and integrity analyses for the company's succession process.

Below are the resumes of the new directors:

Renata Baruzzi has a degree in Mathematics from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), with a specialization in Strategic Technology Management from COPPE/NCE and Administration from IBMEC, as well as various extension courses abroad, notably the Advanced Management Program (AMP) at Harvard Business School. She joined Petrobras 38 years ago, having worked at the Cubatão Refinery (RPBC) and the Paulínia Refinery (REPLAN) in the company's first eight years. She began her managerial career in 2001 in HR, later moving to Engineering where, for 12 years, she held all organizational levels, reaching Executive Manager of ETM-CORP (Engineering, Technology, and Materials - Corporate) in 2012. She has international experience as a Corporate Manager at Petrobras America Inc. (Houston, TX) from 2015 to 2019. She was currently managing the Integrated Logistics Management area.

Since 2023, a special consultant to the Petrobras presidency, Sylvia Maria Couto dos Anjos holds a degree in Geology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), a master's degree in Geology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a PhD from the same university. A retired Petrobras geologist, she has over 42 years of experience in the E&P area, having held various managerial positions throughout her career at the company, with special emphasis on roles at Cenpes, as General Manager of Exploration and General Manager of Technologies for the Libra Asset. She also participated in the "Competitive Gas & Energy" program, preparing Petrobras for the new competitive natural gas scenario in Brazil. She has supervised numerous master's and doctoral theses, with dozens of national and international publications. She has been a member and co-founder of the IBP diversity committee since 2018. She was president for two terms of the Brazilian Association of Petroleum Geologists (ABGP) and also vice-president of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Latin America.

Fernando Melgarejo has a degree in Economics from the União Educacional de Brasília (UNEB), a postgraduate degree in International Business from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), and a master's degree in Business Economics from the Catholic University of Brasília (UCB). He has 37 years in the Banco do Brasil S/A conglomerate, of which he dedicated about 30 years to the financial area, where he was Executive Manager in the Finance and Investor Relations Directorate of Banco do Brasil in the Structuring and Financial Analysis area. He has been Director of Participations at Previ since 2022, where he was also the Statutory Technically Qualified Administrator (AETQ) in 2023. He is currently a Board Member and a member of the Audit Committee of Neoenergia, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Litel Group, and a Trustee of the Banco do Brasil Foundation.



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