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Petrobras sells bunker with renewable content in Singapore
Commercial operation meets the demands of the global fuel market for more sustainable products
Daniela Xu / Petrobras News Agency

Ship with bunker supply with renewable content
Download Ship with bunker supply with renewable contentIn early February, Petrobras made its first sale of VLSFO (Very Low Sulfur Fuel Oil) with 24% renewable content (B24) in the Asian bunker market. The sale was made with Golden Island, a licensed bunker supplier in Singapore. The fuel will be delivered in February.
The product, sold by Petrobras Singapore, was formulated using a blend of 76% mineral fuel oil, predominantly sourced from Petrobras refineries, and 24% UCOME, a biofuel produced by processing used cooking oil (UCO), purchased locally. Petrobras Singapore has the ISCC EU certification, which guarantees that its product meets the strict sustainability criteria that accompany the biofuel logistics chain involved in the process.
For the formulation, Petrobras used the facilities of the Jurong Port Universal Terminal, where it has a lease agreement for fuel oil and B24 tanks. The operation of bunker supply with renewable content follows the same operational protocol adopted for 100% mineral bunker, mainly through the use of smaller vessels, where the product is loaded at the terminal and delivered to the consumer ship.
“The commercialization of VLSFO with 24% renewable content in the Asian market is in line with Petrobras’ strategy of developing new products towards a low-carbon market, innovating to generate value for the business, and enabling solutions in new energy and decarbonization”, says Petrobras’ Director of Logistics, Commercialization and Markets, Claudio Schlosser.
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