Petrobras signs a memorandum to conduct research into seismic acquisition and processing technology

A partnership with the Norwegian company Shearwater aims to raise the quality of seismic research data to map oil deposits

Posted on 2024.06.14

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Petrobras has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Norwegian company Shearwater to undertake and implement scientific research and technological innovation for seismic processing and acquisition. The goal is to improve the quality and efficiency of the data acquired. Seismic data are essential to map oil deposits. The agreement, valid for five years, supports the efforts between Petrobras and Shearwater to develop innovative technologies that will improve information on marine subsoil and increase the value of such data while reducing the time and costs of seismic acquisition projects.  

“This cooperation reinforces our constant involvement in geophysical innovation, thus accelerating the exploitation and development of energy resources. By leveraging advanced technologies together, we intend to significantly improve geophysical technologies and achieve better operational efficiency, ultimately stimulating innovation, says Roberta Alvesk, R&D/I general manager in Exploitation and Production for the Petrobras Research Center (Cenpes), who attended the signing in Norway.       

Shearwater’s CEO, Irene Basili, said she is enthusiastic about the partnership with Petrobras, “a company that shares our commitment to seismic research and innovation.”

“Shearwater is a company driven by curiosity and the desire to answer questions; we share a strong commitment to overcoming big challenges together and, thereby, adding long-term value to our companies and society at large.”    

Petrobras is recognized and awarded worldwide for developing innovative, sector-oriented technologies. The estimated investment in Research, Development, and Innovation for 2024-2028 is USD 3.6 billion, the highest in the company’s history. 



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