Petrobras divulga produção e vendas do 1º trimestre de 2023

Postado em 03/05/2023

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In 1Q23, average oil, NGL and natural gas production reached 2.68 MMboed, 1.1% higher than 4Q22, mainly due to the start of the ramp-up of P-71, in Itapu field, in Santos Basin pre-salt, the start-up of 8 new wells in Campos Basin and higher production efficiencies in the platforms.

Pre-salt production reached a new monthly record of 2.13 MMboed in February 2023 and a quarterly record of 2.05 MMboed, equivalent to 77% of Petrobras total production, compared to 75% in 4Q22. Petrobras total operated production reached 3.74 MMboed in the quarter, up 1.1% from the previous quarter.

In February, we also registered a monthly production record on a pre-salt platform at FPSO Guanabara in the Mero field, with an average oil production of 179 Mbpd.

"Achieving another record, this time just 10 months after the unit’s first oil and with 4 producing wells, reinforces the enormous potential of the Mero field and is the result of the capacity and commitment of our technical team and partners to overcome challenges," said Exploration & Production Director Joelson Mendes.

FPSO Anna Nery is on location and about to start operating in the Marlim field in Campos Basin. The unit has a capacity to produce up to 70 Mbpd and process 4 MMm3/d of natural gas, and will be the first FPSO of the Marlim and Voador revitalization project to start operations.

In 2Q23, we also expect the start-up of FPSO Almirante Barroso. The unit, with a nominal oil production capacity of 150 Mbpd, is already on location in the Búzios field, with final mooring completed and the first producing well connected. This will be the fifth unit to start operating in the Búzios field.

Diesel, gasoline and jet fuel yield in 1Q23 reached 67% of total production, 1 p.p. above 4Q22. Oil product sales in 1Q23 were in line with 1Q22, despite the closing of the REMAN divestment on November 30, 2022.

Total utilization factor of the refining facilities reached 85% in 1Q23, only 1 p.p. below 4Q22, despite relevant scheduled stoppages at the REVAP, REFAP and RPBC refineries. The stoppages at REFAP and RPBC were the largest in the history of these refineries, encompassing more than 800 large pieces of equipment and with more than 10,000 people at peak. The stoppages carried out ensure the reliability and integrity of the refineries, as well as the implementation of projects that increase energy efficiency and process safety.

The results from operational efficiency improvements and RefTOP investments (World Class Refining Program) contributed to the reduction of the Energy Intensity of the whole refinery system to 106.4 in 1Q23, 1.4 lower than in 4Q22, and to the reduction of the Greenhouse Gas Emission Intensity (GHGe) to 37.7 kgCO2e/CWT, down 0.2 kgCO2e/CWT compared to 4Q22.

Pre-salt crude accounted for 62% of throughput in 1Q23, up 2 p.p. compared to 4Q22, and contributed to increasing yields of high value oil products and emission reductions.

We made progress in developing more sustainable and efficient products, with the Diesel R certification at REPAR, the launch of the new Premium gasoline, the commercialization exclusively of fuel oil with a maximum 1% sulfur content in the domestic market, and the start of the commercialization of Ultra Low Sulfur Marine Gas Oil. Furthermore, we carried out paving tests with CAP PRO asphalt, a new product that can reduce energy consumption by up to 35% and greenhouse gas emissions by up to 65%, with sales expected to start in the second half of the year.

S-10 diesel sales in 1Q23 represented 63.3% of Petrobras total diesel sales, surpassing the 4Q22 record of 60.3% and setting a new quarterly record.

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