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Petrobras returns to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index
André Motta de Souza / Petrobras News Agency
Edisen - Petrobras building in downtown Rio de Janeiro
Download Edisen - Petrobras building in downtown Rio de JaneiroPetrobras informs that it will return to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World (DJSI World) of S&P Global's Corporate Sustainability Assessment as of February 2025. This year, the company qualified for the index by outstanding performance in the criteria related to water resource management, human capital management, community relations and climate strategy. The last time Petrobras qualified for the DJSI World was in 2022.
Petrobras' return to the index is recognition of the company's efforts and initiatives in the environmental, social and governance areas. The DJSI World is one of the most important sustainability indices in the world, and Petrobras is one of the nine global energy companies that qualified out of more than 50 companies in the sector evaluated.
In the Strategic Plan 2050 and the Business Plan 2025-2029, the company reaffirms its commitment to reconciling leadership in the just energy transition with oil and gas exploration and production, building a more sustainable world and acting with safety, respect for the environment and total attention to people.
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