Petrobras obtains authorization to market bunker with renewable content

The company is a pioneer in Brazil in developing fuel for the maritime segment

Posted on 2024.07.11

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On Thursday (07/11), Petrobras obtained authorization from the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) to market maritime fuel with renewable content. The company is the first in the country to receive authorization to deliver a bunker with 24% biodiesel to the market.
VLS (Very Low Sulfur) B24, produced by Petrobras, is the result of mixing mineral bunker with biodiesel certified by ISCC EU RED, one of the most traditional certifications on the market, applicable to traceability and calculation of greenhouse gas emissions from sustainable raw materials and bioproducts.
Petrobras is a pioneer
The ANP's authorization reinforces Petrobras' strategy of developing more sustainable products to offer the market fuels with greater added value and a low carbon footprint.
For months, tests were carried out on the product in real navigation situations, and ship data was monitored, including consumption, power developed, distance traveled, and fuel performance in filters and purification systems. The results indicated that there were no atypical occurrences in the operation of the ships' engines nor the fuel treatment systems (centrifuges and filters), confirming the operational and commercial viability of Petrobras' renewable content bunker.
According to Petrobras' Logistics, Marketing and Markets director, Claudio Schlosser, "developing more sustainable technologies and products is a priority for the company. The authorization granted by the ANP for the commercialization of the VLS B24 is yet another indication of the correctness of our strategy of presenting economically viable solutions that meet society's demands for sustainability."



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